Monday, February 13, 2023

From my WIP novella

 Nuggets from ‘Nobody’s War’



Liberals, my friend, are bad for business.


‘This urge to believe, to know that there is someone among us, a direct conduit to the supreme power, creates religious leaders and then a living being is revered, despite the knowledge that humans, by design, are fallible.


Politics and poetry betray logic, Kwaqa.


It always takes an outsider. For better or for worse.


I do not age. I may die, but only if a system somewhere thinks it’s my time.


Men my age die alone, in sleep.


One must be in their element, no matter the situation.


We are doing the loops here. Overstating the obvious.


There is a certain joy that poetry exudes. A sadness too. A beautiful, blue sadness.


Trust means nothing to us. It’s a phony construct. We do not deal in such currencies.


For some, information is a deterrent. For some, it is a call to action. For us, it is plain and simple leverage.


Her face shines in the moonlight like a sculpture. It’s his sculpture, a picture he has imagined and drawn and chiseled in his mind, a ripple of glimmer, a momentary breeze. For him, this togetherness lasts forever, though his mind tells him otherwise.


Anant Dhavale 


Sunday, February 12, 2023



ہوش سنبھلنا  طَے تو نَہِیں تھا 
عِشْق میں بچنا طَے تو نَہِیں تھا 

یونہی نَہِیں نکلے تھے آنسو 
گر کے سنبھلنا طَے تو نَہِیں تھا 

کچھ تُم  کَہْتے کچھ ہم سُنتے   
یوں چُپ رہنا  طَے تی نَہِیں تھا 

کہاں گئے سب سنگی ساتھی 
راہ بدلنا طَے تو نَہِیں تھا 

جِن سے دھڑکتے ہیں دِل اپنے 
 اُن سے بِچَھڑْنا طَے تو نَہِیں تھا

اَنَنْت  ڈ'ھولے

Anant Dhavale

A Ghazal

 A Ghazal .. In heart's alleys, a singular halo of sadness remains  In a little nook of mind, a lingering darkness remains Forgotten sho...